Évaluations |
OBD-Shop Affiliate Program |
Short form: Don't cheat and don't spam. If you have questions, use an online translator for this page and/or contact us.
1. Preamble The affiliate program on this website is offered by Kaufmann Automotive GmbH
OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop
Suesswinkelstrasse 9
CH-9453 Eichberg
Phon: 0041 71 511 5096
Email: shop@dieselschrauber.org, hereinafter OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop called. The following terms and conditions apply exclusively to all partner contracts. They are accepted by the registration to the affiliate program.
Deviating terms and conditions of the participants are, unless they expressly deviate from OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop have been accepted in writing, non-binding.
2. Conclusion of contract
A contract comes after registration of the participant by the acceptance of OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop is concluded. The employees of OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop are not authorised to make any additional agreements or to give any assurances which go beyond the contents of the contract.
Minors are excluded from participation in the affiliate program.
3. Registration
Each participant has to register at OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop through a login. When registering, the participant must state his/her name, in the case of companies also that of the authorised representative, as well as the postal address (not: P.O. box), telephone, fax and e-mail address. The participant must inform OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop immediately of any changes. Incorrect information entitles OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop for immediate cancellation of the partnership.
4. Partner (affiliate)
Participants of the affiliate program are partners. The partners advertise the offers of OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop. For this they receive fees in accordance with the following provisions.
Participation in the affiliate program is free of charge for the partners. The partners are free to choose from the advertising materials offered and can remove or exchange the links used at any time. Changes of the advertising media are without consultation with OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop not permitted.
5. Variants
OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop pays the affiliate an amount to be determined by him for each evaluation in accordance with the following clauses.
* Pay per Sale:
Only customers who are listed in the online shop of OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop within a specified number of days (see your partner account) after mediation an effective sales contract close. The valuation is a percentage of the value (without VAT) of the goods. If the concluded contract is ineffective or is revoked or otherwise rendered invalid, the commission will be cancelled.
The height of the value of a rating is OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop in advance. The amount of future commissions can vary from OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop. The minimum amount is 1%. By way of a change, the partners will be informed immediately.
6. Logging and evaluation
OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop logs all clicks and records them statistically. The logs are available in the protected partner area.
The partners are obligated to use the OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop. The partners are obliged to integrate the HTML code or URL provided by OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop into their website, which is necessary for the recording and logging of the users coming from the websites of the partners (code obligation). OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop will inform the partners about necessary technical adjustments by news. The partners are obliged to implement any adjustments without delay. The non-installation, the removal or the manipulation of the acquisition codes entitles OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop for termination without notice.
The partner alone is responsible for the correct passing on of the referee.
The HTML codes given by OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop for links, banners etc. as well as URLs must not be changed by the partners. In cases of peculiar changes OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop is entitled to terminate the contract without notice.
If a partner hangs up by excessive spam, i.e. random plucking of pages, profiles or comment fields with our advertising material or if our records suggest technical manipulations (click fraud), OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop is entitled to terminate the contract without notice.
Not allowed is a) brand bidding (also in misspellings), b) use of pornographic, inhuman or extremist sites for this program. Search engine marketing is restricted - only in your own language.
7. Contractual penalty
If a partner deliberately attempts to influence the statistics and thus the amounts to be paid to him by the sponsor through significant manipulation attempts, i.e. fraud (see examples in Section 6), a contractual penalty of EUR 2,500.00 plus VAT will be payable. The same applies if a user who has already been excluded from the program due to conduct contrary to the terms of the contract participates again in the program under a false name or attempts to do so.
8. Payout
At the end of the period for the submission of the commissions, the commission accrued up to the end of the previous month will be paid out automatically by bank transfer.
In the event that the partner is subject to Swiss value added tax, payment shall be made in addition to the statutory Swiss value added tax. The partner is obliged to inform OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop about a change of the value added tax obligation immediately with a proof. If no proof is available at the time of invoicing, the sales tax will in principle be withheld and deducted; subsequent invoicing is not possible for organisational and technical reasons.
If the monthly credit 25.00EUR, the payout takes place together with the payout of the following month. Interest will not be paid. In the event of premature termination of the contract by the partner, the credit balance shall be in favour of OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop if the payment to be made is 25.00EUR, otherwise the payment will be made with the following statement.
9. Defects and warranty
The participants shall check the performance and the billing without delay. Obvious defects shall be immediately notified in writing to OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop to be granted. Errors, which even with careful examination cannot be discovered immediately, are to be told OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop immediately after discovery.
10. Cancellation
The contract may be terminated at any time by notice of three working days.
The right to extraordinary termination for good cause shall remain unaffected. The attempt to influence the contractual valuations entitles OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop for termination without notice. This applies in particular to mass clicks, the use of misleading links or illegal content, spam, manipulation or non-installation of the capture codes or false information. Further claims for damages as well as in particular the assertion of a contractual penalty according to No. 7 of this contract as well as the filing of a criminal complaint remain reserved in any case.
11. Technical defects
OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop ensures a service availability of 95 % on a monthly average. Within this time the billing is über OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop is guaranteed.
OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop is not responsible for deliberate attacks by third parties (hackers, computer viruses, DoS attacks, etc.) on its servers and on the Internet.
12. Inadmissible content
The sending of unsolicited e-mail advertising (spam), the use of misleading links and the indication of incorrect e-mail addresses, names or data are inadmissible.
OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop does not check the contents of the partner sites and is not responsible for these. The participant has to free OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop of all the damages that occur to OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop from any violation of this obligation.
OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop is entitled to terminate the contract without notice in the event of a breach of this contractual obligation.
13. General limitation of liability
Claims for damages against OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop are excluded, unless intentional or grossly negligent conduct or the violation of an essential contractual obligation is present. The same shall apply if compensation is demanded for indirect or consequential harm caused by a defect. Any liability shall be limited to the damage foreseeable and typical for such cases at the time of conclusion of the contract.
14. Text form Explanations against OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop as well as changes of the contract require at least the text form (e-mail, fax). This also applies to the cancellation of the text form requirement.
15. Data protection
The data of the participants will be stored by OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop. The data is stored by OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop for contract processing and communication within the affiliate program. They will only be used within the framework of contract fulfilment and will neither be passed on to third parties nor used for advertising purposes.
16. Place of performance, place of jurisdiction, choice of law
The law of Switzerland applies, whereby the validity of the uniform international sales law (UNCITRAL agreement) is excluded. The place of jurisdiction is CH-9453 Eichberg.
17. Severability clause
Should any clause of these terms and conditions be invalid, the validity of the remaining terms and conditions shall remain unaffected.
Eichberg, 11.12.2023
Kaufmann Automotive GmbH
Automotive Diagnostic Systems
Suesswinkelstrasse 9
CH-9453 Eichberg
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Évaluations |
Panier |