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Affiliate Program - Frequently Asked Questions |
OBD, OBD2, CAN-Bus Shop has compiled this info so that you may be better informed about our affiliate program. You can earn money with our products or offer services using our products. If you have any questions please contact us for more information.
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How do I become a sales partner or diagnostics partner?
You have several options: Share products on social media or promote our store! Or use your own website, online store, store or other available channels. Use the Share box at the side. For every product sold (and kept!) there is commission. You can also distribute or share our coupons (discount codes).
As our diagnostic partner, you use products purchased from us to offer your services.
What do I get out of the affiliate program?
With each sale referred as our sales partner you will receive commission. The commission amounts to 10% upon the value of goods.
As a sales partner with its own sales facilities, you get dealer discount on our products, which is higher. The dealer discount depends on the respective product and the invoice amount of an order with us. As a diagnostic partner you will be found on our pages and can offer your services (e.g. vehicle coding).
When do I get the provision?
After the goods have been delivered to the customer, the customer has paid them and after the deadline for returning goods has expired. To get paid, a minimal value of 25.00 EUR must be reached.
What do I have to consider?
You cannot be paid for your own orders. Only legal websites, free of violence, free of offensive pictures or content and no websites with the thematics "politics" or "erotics".
Without talking to us, you can only use the advertising material provided by us in an unmodified form or self created material. Requests for modification (banners/text links/images) have to be arranged with us.
Offence against these rules, details see Affiliate Terms & Conditions, can lead to exclusion from our affiliate program, any unpaid provisions are lost.
How are sales counted?
The brokerage of the customers is done by linking to our shop using our banners, text links or codes on your website. The individual customer is identified using a cookie or an partner-individual link (no cookie usage). The cookie has a lifetime of 1209600s.
That means the sale did occur after the customer went to our shop or bought within the cookie lifetime.
How do I take part?
Register yourself to our affiliate program and get started. Joining our affiliate program is free of charge and can by terminated by your side at any time.
Listed in Best Affiliate Program affiliate directory.
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